Individual and customised solutions are our speciality. These include applications for a wide range of  uses.

VTA system products

Bulking sludge and scum are feared by the operators of wastewater treatment plants because they lead to sludge outflow, reduced cleaning capacity and high costs. 

VTA system products combat or prevent these problems in the long term. They eliminate the unfavourable properties of excessively occurring filamentous bacteria (for example, poor sludge settleability) without at the same reducing their good cleaning performance. The sedimentation rate is improved and the sludge volume index is reduced.

The VTA range also includes system products for increased decomposition of fat. In every case, VTA products ensure optimum and economical plant operation.

Practical reports on the topic of filamentous bacteria

Practical reports on the topic of increased system load


Bulking sludge and scum are feared by the operators of wastewater treatment plants because they lead to sludge outflow, reduced cleaning capacity and high costs. VTA system products combat or prevent these problems in the long term.

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Phosphate precipitation

VTA’s tried and tested primary precipitants based on iron, aluminium or iron and aluminium reliably remove phosphorous compounds from wastewater. The dissolved phosphate is converted into undissolved phosphate and stably bound into the sludge floc; sludge structure and settling properties are optimised.

Odour control

Sludge conditioning


VTA has a broad spectrum of solid or liquid polymer products in its range.

As flocculation agents, they optimise the dewatering and thickening of sewage sludge for recycling or disposal. This ensures higher dry substance content and significantly reduces disposal costs.

Sludge dewatering

Service request

VTA offers a range of services to analyse the initial situation of your system and works with you to develop individual solutions. Based on the analysed data, the technical expert creates an individual solution concept with customised VTA processes for your company.

Do you need more information?

Contact our experts and together we will find the right solution: 

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