VTA Hydroprompt® FORTE is used for the treatment of wastewater in the inlet to the secondary clarifier.
For the reliable elimination of different germ loads in the secondary clarification of wastewater.
Clean water means a healthy life.
This multifunctional system product from VTA’s in-house laboratories has been enhanced with additional properties that ensure highly effective precipitation and flocculation.
VTA Hydroprompt® FORTE is used for the treatment of wastewater in the inlet to the secondary clarifier.
Microbial impurities (for example, pathogens and multi-resistant germs) are effectively removed from the aqueous phase.
The specially developed formula ensures that there is nevertheless no adverse impact on the microorganisms in the biological process.
In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the contamination of wastewater with pathogens is also becoming an important issue for society as a whole. The VTA Group is aware of this responsibility and has been addressing such problems for many years now. Extensive research and development work has gone into producing VTA Hydroprompt® FORTE, a product innovation with unique properties that are now also being confirmed in practice.
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Several series of tests confirm that VTA Hydroprompt® FORTE leads to a significant improvement in sedimentation behaviour and sedimentation rate. The formation of stable macrofloc guarantees a clean, turbidity-free clear water phase.
VTA Hydroprompt® FORTE is used for germ reduction in the final treatment stage at wastewater treatment plants. Even very low concentrations achieve a significant reduction of germs compared to the initial situation.
The resounding effect of VTA Hydroprompt® FORTE becomes apparent in the course of a practical test.
During the test period from 13 to 17 July 2020, one of the two secondary clarifiers was treated with 30 or 50 ppm of VTA Hydroprompt® FORTE; the second served as a reference (control sample).
VTA Hydroprompt® FORTE provides effective precipitation and flocculation
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Discover all the details of VTA Hydroprompt® FORTE in our digital e-paper, which you can read conveniently and is also available for download.
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Tailored system products from VTA optimise wastewater treatment and water purification. They are developed in VTA’s laboratories and are continuously adapted to current requirements in the area of wastewater engineering and to customer requirements.
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