Microbiological analysis

Analyse activated or floating sludge samples from wastewater treatment plants.

Mikrobiologische Analytik

Light microscopic & fluorescence analysis. Toxicity test using vibrion bioluminescence.

Light microscopic analysis

Microscopic analysis offers the possibility of analysing activated or floating sludge samples
from wastewater treatment plants in order to make a statement on the operating status
The floc composition, number and diversity of microorganisms, filamentous bacteria and other components (such as emulsified fat droplets) are examined.

Based on the results, the following statements can be made about the wastewater treatment plant:

  • Load and impact loads

  • Nutrient ratio

  • Oxygen supply

  • Disturbances

  • Sludge age

  • Fat content

Lichtmikroskopische Analyse

Fluorescence analysis

Fluorescence analysis provides an insight into the ammonium- and nitrite-oxidising bacteria in the wastewater treatment plant. Gene-specific probes are used to stain ammonium and nitrite oxidisers and can therefore be detected in the activated sludge.

This special analysis can be used to detect living bacteria quantitatively and qualitatively and to assess bacterial activity.

Fluoreszenz Analyse

Toxicity test using vibrio bioluminescence

The luminescent bacteria test measures the toxicity of aqueous solutions. This measurement gives the so-called GL value (toxicity of the luminescent bacteria test).

Toxizitätstest mittels Vibrionen-Biolumineszenz

The test is based on the natural ability of certain Vibrio fischeri bacteria to emit a glow (bioluminescence).


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