One innovation, many advantages

VTA Calcoferrit® - and bad odors no longer stand a chance

Eliminates existing odors and prevents new ones from developing. Effective wherever odors and corrosion occur.

Prevents corrosion and reduces maintenance costs for sewer systems and operating technology.

Improves wastewater quality

H2S monitoring on customer request

Organic, sustainable and reliable

Highly efficient compared to conventional products

VTA Calcoferrit®, the uncomplicated, efficient protection against odor and corrosion in the sewer

Odors from wastewater systems and sewers are a problem in many places. They are not only annoying, but can also pose a health risk.

The solution: VTA Calcoferrit®. It also suppresses the formation of biogenic sulphuric acid, which leads to corrosion damage to the sewer system. VTA Calcoferrit® therefore reduces the costs for maintenance and renovation!

VTA Calcoferrit


Calcoferrit® also works without cost-intensive measurement and control technology


VTA Calcoferrit® reduces the formation of hydrogen sulphide

Effective in many ways

Corrosion damage to structural infrastructures can be avoided

Odour control

VTA works with flexible odour control

Field report: Calcoferrit

Removing odors and eliminating hazardous hydrogen sulfide - for health, safety and “well-being” in the community.

Possible combination

VTA underground tank

The VTA underground tank is the best option for storing VTA system products for odour control below ground and for dosing.

Foul odours from the sewer and concrete corrosion on the infrastructure are effectively eliminated and prevented by VTA’s highly effective ‘odour killers’. Where these system products are in use, however, the question often arises, particularly in pumping stations, of what the best option is for storing and dosing them.

The solution is the VTA underground tank, a double-walled storage tank made of polypropylene, available in various sizes from 1 – 3 m3. Thanks to its corrugated profile, the outer wall is particularly resistant and able to reliably withstand compressive stresses from the ground earth. The interstitial space is monitored by a leakage sensor.

VTA underground tank

Immediate and impressive H2S reduction

By preventing anaerobic conditions, metabolic pathways are prevented which result in the formation of hydrogen sulphide and other odorous substances, as well as a corrosive effect on the infrastructure. A further component ensures the elimination of existing odorous substances.

It is not unusual for VTA Calcoferrit® to dispense with control and regulation technology. So simple, so effective!

On customer request, we offer online monitoring and H2S-controlled dosing for secure documentation of your data.

Once the sulphur gas has been successfully reduced, the dosage can be set to a minimum. In this way, we help our customers to achieve the desired result at the lowest possible cost.

Immediate and impressive reduction in H2S formation with VTA Calcoferrit® from the start of dosing

Rely on VTA Calcoferrit® for maximum efficiency and long-lasting results!

H2S monitoring

With H2S monitoring and highly effective special products, VTA reliably ensures that odours are eliminated even under difficult conditions. Using the latest measuring and control technology makes odour control particularly economical and user friendly. VTA offers the option of remote monitoring  and control using H2S monitoring: dosing is controlled online via the H2S server (H2S sensor, GPS terminal). VTA offers the full complete package for this purpose on request. 


Highest efficiency, even in winter

Even at low temperatures in winter, anaerobic conditions occur in wastewater due to the area-specific, sometimes heavy load.

VTA Calcoferrit® then helps to sustainably eliminate and prevent toxic and corrosive gases. In this example, the extremely high gas concentration was reduced to below the MAK value of 5 ppm in a very short time.

VTA Calcoferrit® is also effective in winter in sewers and sewage treatment plants where odours can escape
VTA Calcoferrit® MAK value at low temperatures


VTA Calcoferrit® also works at high temperatures

We at VTA Austria also have experience with wastewater from southern countries with temperatures of over 50°C. Here, putrefaction processes and gas formation occur particularly quickly. Even under these extreme conditions, VTA Calcoferrit® works reliably and protects workers, neighbours and expensive infrastructure from the toxic and corrosive effects of the digester gases.

VTA Calcoferrit® works reliably and effectively even at high temperatures of over 50°C
VTA Calcoferrit® MAK value at high temperatures


VTA Calcoferrit® in practice

Frequently asked questions about VTA Calcoferrit®

  • On the way to the sewage treatment plant, domestic and industrial wastewater has to be transported, sometimes via long pipes. During this time, the oxygen in the water is used up, which leads to digestion processes. In addition to many other fermentation gases, high concentrations of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) are often produced.

  • The aggressive sulphur gas is toxic to humans, which significantly increases the health risk for workers and neighbours. H2S also has a corrosive effect on the structural infrastructure of the wastewater system, which can lead to massive damage and high remediation costs after just a short time.

  • The use of VTA system products prevents digestion processes and actively binds sulphur components.

  • Thanks to its balanced formulation, VTA Calcoferrit® offers a dual effect with high stability. It provides a bound source of oxygen that stops putrefaction processes and at the same time acts as a precipitant to permanently bind the sulphur molecules. VTA Calcoferrit® thus acts efficiently against corrosion and unpleasant odours.

  • VTA Calcoferrit® is ideally dosed directly into the wastewater stream. Our experienced process engineers will be happy to advise you on site to find the best dosing point and storage option for your individual requirements.

VTA Calcoferrit® - Simply good. Twice as effective.

VTA Calcoferrit® is effective wherever odorous substances can escape between discharge into the sewer system and the wastewater treatment plant.

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VTA Calcoferrit Air Cleaner
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Discover all the details of VTA Calcoferrit® in our digital e-paper, which you can read conveniently and is also available for download.


VTA Calcoferrit® E-Paper

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