Nanofloc® - High performance and highly economical

We purify water based on state-of-the-art nanotechnology.

VTA Nanofloc® in droplet form

By breaking a material down into particles that are just fractions of milimetres in size, it can take on entirely new properties. The metallic nanoparticles in VTA Nanofloc® are firmly attached to a matrix.

With its quick-acting effect and unrivalled penetrating power, VTA Nanofloc® is streets ahead of all the other precipitants currently on the market for wastewater treatment.

Integrated metal oxide nanoparticles are bound to special organic charge carriers and trigger powerful chemical reactions in the treatment plant as required.

Even at extremely low dosages, it provides unique settling properties, high sedimentary rates and a low sludge volume index. This means pressure on the post-clarification unit is relieved significantly, even at high loads.

Extreme close-up of molecules


VTA Nanofloc® not only works extremely fast, but also at extremely low dosages and is therefore particularly cost efficient.



  • huge increase in sedimentation rate (up to five times faster)
  • formation of extremely compact shear-stable sludge floc in record time
  • reliable binding of fine floc and suspended solids



  • help with breaking down impurities
  • reduction of micro-impurities
  • problematic operating conditions with permanent hydraulic overload
  • emergency situation following incidents, unforeseen load surges etc.


  • improved oxygen transfer
  • reduced ventilation energy
  • accelerated breakdown of pollutants
  • maximum utilisation of the hydraulic potential of the treatment plant



  • immediately noticeable and sustained improvement of sludge properties
  • increased dry matter content
  • minimisation of polymer consumption
  • reduced internal backcharge


VTA Nanofloc, a high-tech product based on state-of-the-art nanotechnology, opens up a new dimension in wastewater engineering. With its quick-acting effect and unrivalled penetrating power, VTA Nanofloc® is streets ahead of all the other precipitants currently on the market. Integrated metal oxide nanoparticles are bound to special organic charge carriers and trigger powerful chemical reactions in the treatment plant as required. There is an immediately noticeable and sustained improvement in the properties of the activated sludge, this makes VTA Nanofloc® economically highly efficient.

Unrivalled performance

In the nano-scale range, the metallic base material in VTA Nanofloc® multiplies its intrinsic magnetic pull. This effect allows the charge balancing to take place inside the sludge floc, and not, as is usually the case, on its surface. Extremely compact floc is formed – subsequent disintegration of the floc can be virtually ruled out even under unfavourable conditions.

VTA Nanofloc before and after


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Contact our experts and together we will find the right solution.


VTA Nanofloc® in practice

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