The Polish company, headquartered in Warsaw, was the general contractor for a series of sludge line renewal measures at the Torun wastewater treatment plant. Krevox relied on the expertise of Eurodos for the project planning and construction of the necessary polymer treatment plants.
Torun (Thorn) is located around 180 kilometres north-west of Warsaw on the Vistula. The former Hanseatic city, which today has a population of 213,000, has a significant economy, including one of Poland's largest sugar producers.
In addition to sludge dewatering, a sludge drying plant was also installed at the Torun sewage treatment plant (approx. 400,000 PE). Eurodos supplied three three-chamber dosing systems, each with a capacity of 3000 litres, for the polymer processing of the centrifuges. Each of these is equipped with a dry material dosing unit and a concentrate pump and can be operated fully automatically with dry or liquid polymer. The Eurodos systems are optimised so that the required maturing time of the product is guaranteed and the polymer requirement can be significantly reduced. The polymer systems, as well as the dryers and centrifuges, are controlled by a control system from Andritz Automation.
This project was the acid test for the partnership between Krevox and Eurodos, which was mastered with aplomb. Krevox has been active in the field of water and wastewater treatment, a promising growth market in Poland, for almost 20 years.
Practical report from the VTA Group's knowledge magazine "Der Laubfrosch", issue 59