Bienvenido al Centro de Prensa de VTA , su fuente fiable de los últimos informes, noticias e información exhaustiva sobre VTA. Aquí encontrará los últimos avances y descubrimientos en el campo del tratamiento de aguas residuales, tecnología medioambiental y soluciones innovadoras para el tratamiento de aguas residuales. Nuestro Centro de Prensa se dedica a proporcionar conocimientos especializados y los últimos informes de expertos, ofreciendo valiosas perspectivas sobre el trabajo de VTA y su impacto positivo en el medio ambiente y los recursos.
Búsqueda en el Centro Multimedia
Kitzbühel sewage treatment plant becomes an energy source
Due to their high energy requirements, wastewater treatment plants are among the largest consumers of electricity in a municipality.
MeinBezirk: WAV Garstnertal
visiting VTA
The Garstnertal Water and Wastewater Association visited VTA to find out more about Nanocarbon® technology and hydrogen production with Hydropower®.
VTA cleans up to 99% of all pollutants from wastewater.
VTA - The water wizards from the Hausruckviertel clean up to 99% of all pollutants from wastewater.
MeinBezirk: Hydropower for Kitzbühel
Technology from Upper Austria makes Kitzbühel's wastewater treatment plant energy self-sufficient.
12th Kitzbühel Water and Energy Symposium
We look back proudly on the successful 12th Kitzbühel Water & Energy Symposium!
TIPS: Visionary with passion
TIPS Interview with Ing. Mag. Dr. h. c. Ulrich Kubinger / CEO VTA Group.
VTA Hydropower:
Green energy convinces the Association of Municipalities!
VTA impresses municipal association with innovative technologies
UNSER MAGAZIN: Marlen Kubinger in a business talk on OE24.TV and Puls 4
VTA Powerlady Marlen Kubinger: A future for the world
At the age of just 18, Marlen Kubinger joined her father's multi-million company, VTA Austria.
VTA optimisation plan helps the RHV wastewater treatment plant
The smallest dosing quantities of VTA system products achieved top results!
UNSER MAGAZIN: VTA brings joy and hope
Marlen and Ulrich Kubinger support the work of the CliniClowns at the Hospital Barmherzige Schwestern Ried with a donation.