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Поиск в мультимедийном центре
Kitzbühel sewage treatment plant becomes an energy source
Due to their high energy requirements, wastewater treatment plants are among the largest consumers of electricity in a municipality.
MeinBezirk: WAV Garstnertal
visiting VTA
The Garstnertal Water and Wastewater Association visited VTA to find out more about Nanocarbon® technology and hydrogen production with Hydropower®.
VTA cleans up to 99% of all pollutants from wastewater.
VTA - The water wizards from the Hausruckviertel clean up to 99% of all pollutants from wastewater.
MeinBezirk: Hydropower for Kitzbühel
Technology from Upper Austria makes Kitzbühel's wastewater treatment plant energy self-sufficient.
12th Kitzbühel Water and Energy Symposium
We look back proudly on the successful 12th Kitzbühel Water & Energy Symposium!
TIPS: Visionary with passion
TIPS Interview with Ing. Mag. Dr. h. c. Ulrich Kubinger / CEO VTA Group.
VTA Hydropower:
Green energy convinces the Association of Municipalities!
VTA impresses municipal association with innovative technologies
UNSER MAGAZIN: Marlen Kubinger in a business talk on OE24.TV and Puls 4
VTA Powerlady Marlen Kubinger: A future for the world
At the age of just 18, Marlen Kubinger joined her father's multi-million company, VTA Austria.
VTA optimisation plan helps the RHV wastewater treatment plant
The smallest dosing quantities of VTA system products achieved top results!
UNSER MAGAZIN: VTA brings joy and hope
Marlen and Ulrich Kubinger support the work of the CliniClowns at the Hospital Barmherzige Schwestern Ried with a donation.