Optimum dewatering is becoming increasingly important. This is where the VTA mudinator® comes in. It uses ultrasound to ensure that digested and excess sludge can be dewatered much more effectively, resulting in less sludge requiring disposal. This innovative technology achieves optimum effect in combination with the high-performance product VTA Biocitran®.

dewatering result

significantly reduced
polymer requirement

disposal costs


The challenge

Deficient dewatering:

Untreated sludge retains large amounts of water, drying becomes inefficient

Our solution

VTA mudinator®

The VTA mudinator® changes the structure of sludge by using ultrasound prior to dewatering. This enables a better charge balance with the polymer

The result

Improvement in dewatering of up to five percentage points

  • Saving of disposal costs
  • Optimisation of conditioning agents and addition of polymer

1. VTA system products

By preconditioning the sludge with the system product VTA Biocitran® before adding the polymer, the dewatering performance can be increased and the consumption of polymer flocculants reduced.

2. Innovations in water technology

VTA mudinator® changes the sludge structure through the use of ultrasound before dewatering. This enables better charge equalisation with the polymer.

Our water technology also manufactures polymer dissolving stations and dosing systems customised for wastewater treatment plants. This enables the optimum preparation and maturation of polymers for subsequent sludge dewatering (EURODOS).

3. Polymer flocculants

VTA offers an extensive range of products in terms of polymer flocculants for sludge dewatering. Polymere with different molecular weights, degrees of cross-linking and charge densities can be customised to the respective sludge properties and dewatering units. This means that highly efficient dewatering results can be achieved based on an analysis of the on-site situation by our scientists and process engineers.

VTA in practice


VTA propose une série de services qui analysent la situation initiale de votre système et développent avec vous une solution sur mesure. Sur la base des données analysées, un expert technique élabore un concept de solution personnalisé, adapté à votre entreprise, à l'aide des procédures VTA.

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